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Zoning Hearing Minutes - April 17, 2002
APRIL 17, 2002 @ 8:00 P.M.

Members Present:        Philip Lindquist, Chairman
                        Gerard LeBlanc, Clerk
                        Gordon Coyle, Member
                        Joan DiLillo, Member

Members Absent: David Harris, Vice Chairman

Others Present: Noreen O’Toole, Town Planner
                        Barbara Ferguson, Administrative Assistant
I.      Call to Order:  8:20 p.m. - Town Hall

        A. Chairman Philip Lindquist advised all present that the meeting was being tape recorded and filed.

        B.  Clerk Gerard LeBlanc read the following Public Hearing notice that was published in the Hanson Town Crier:


Notice is hereby given pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section V, that a Public Hearing will be held on April 17, 2002, at 8:00 p.m. in the Hanson Town Hall, 542 Liberty Street, Hanson, MA by the Hanson Planning Board to consider amending the following sections of the Hanson Zoning Bylaw:


To see if the Town will vote to amend the Hanson Zoning Bylaw, and delete Section VII.B.5, in its entirety, and insert the following:  The Planning Board shall determine adequate access for that portion of a lot used as qualifying lot frontage and that frontage shall be the actual access for that lot for vehicles, water service and other normal uses of lot frontage.
Proposed by the Zoning Bylaw Committee


To see if the Town will vote to amend Hanson Zoning Bylaw, Section II, Definitions by inserting the following definition in alphabetical order or take any other action in relation thereto:

Adequate Access:  See definition of: Street.

Proposed by the Zoning Bylaw Committee

The two zoning articles have been submitted for and are included in the warrant for the Special Town Meeting to be held on May 6, 2002 at 7:30 p.m. at the Hanson Middle School. At the Special Town Meeting, the Planning Board will, as required by law, make recommendations to the voters.  The full text of the proposed amendments, a copy of the existing zoning bylaw, and a zoning map are available for public viewing during regular business hours at the Office of the Town Clerk.

Philip R. Lindquist, Chairman
Hanson Planning Board
March 28 & April 4, 2002

II.     Presentation of Zoning Articles

        Gordon Coyle, who is a member of both the Planning Board and Zoning Bylaw Committee, read the explanations for the articles as they will be printed on the Special Town Meeting warrant.

        Explanation for the first article - the Zoning Bylaw Committee has proposed the above zoning article with this provision that clearly defines adequate access to a lot is required and is determined by the Planning Board.

        Explanation for the second article - The above definition is relative to the zoning bylaw amendment proposed in the previous article.

III.    Questions from Abutters

        Clerk Gerard LeBlanc advised those present that the following abutters had been notified of the hearing on March 28, 2002 as required by Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section 5:

                Dept. of Housing & Community Development,
                Metropolitan Area Planning Council
                Old Colony Planning Council
                Planning Board of Hanover
                Planning Board of Halifax
                Planning Board of Pembroke
                Planning Board of Rockland
                Planning Board of Whitman
                Planning Board of East Bridgewater
                Donald Schmidt, Principal Land Use Planner, Department of Housing and                   Community Development

        No representative of any of the above agencies notified was present to speak at the hearing nor were any communications received.  

IV.     Questions from public

        There were no questions from the public.

V.      Questions/Comments from Planning Board Members

        Chairman Philip Lindquist asked how Section VII.B.5 currently reads and was told it reads “that portion of a lot used as qualifying lot frontage shall be the actual access for that lot for vehicles, water service and other normal uses of lot frontage.” Town Planner Noreen O’Toole said that the Bylaw Study Committee had advised the Zoning Bylaw Committee it would be seeking to delete Sections 6 through 9 of Article 2-17 of the General Bylaws at the October Special Town Meeting.

VII.    Findings

        Motion to Recommend both Zoning Bylaw amendments at the May 6, 2002 Special Town        Meeting:  Gordon Coyle
        Second: Joan DiLillo
        Vote 4-0
        VIII.   Adjournment - 8:42 p.m.

        Motion to Close the Hearing: Joan DiLillo
        Second: Gerard LeBlanc
        Vote: 4-0